Sunday, February 04, 2007

My Favorite Video Games of 2006, Part 2

Well, both of my faithful readers, it's time once again to add another post about one of my favorite video games of 2006. So, without further ado.....
Lego Star Wars II is just that- The second game in the Lego Star Wars series. It is pretty much the same thing as the original Lego Star Wars game released in 2005, except that it covers Episodes 4-6 instead of Episodes 1-3. It is basically a Star Wars action/adventure game based on the original three Star Wars movies. Just imagine a Star Wars universe made out of Legos.
It's very cute and entertaining, though not very hard. I got it just before I broke my leg and played it for about a week or so solid to beat everything, so I guess I got my money's worth out of it.
What else will be on my list? Just wait on pins and needles to see!